Securing the Future
FOR YOUR PERSONAL SAFETYOur officers are perfectly adopted to circumstances and claims to have frequently occur that pleasures repudiated.
Lumiere Security Services well known as “One-Stop-Shop” which provides all kinds of security services like Personal Security Services, Personal body guards, Executive Security Services

Bank security is always a top concern for everyone. We can provide both armed and unarmed dark-suit executive protection. Lumiere has security guards that are fully trained to combat any threat. Bank security is a top concern and training to handle any type of emergency situations.
Our manufacturing plant and industrial facility security guard services include:
Visitor and vehicle job site/gate access control
Equipment movement/watch log
Daily activities logs
Lumiere has been handling retail store security management for many retail clients. With a strong security presence and a security guard on duty, employees, store managers and shoppers may feel safe at all times, thus stopping theft and vandalism for good. Our Retail Security Guards may also guard against automobile vandalism, vehicle theft, vehicle break-ins and personal attacks against store employees or store customers.
We are committed to offering solutions that resolve the issues faced by our customers everyday by providing a wide range of service solutions designed to meet your needs across the specialized guarding services, facility management services, consulting & intelligence, mechanical & electronic access

We believe in the following core values
“We drive you in Peace” and make your environment, your employees, your assets, homes, workplaces, communities, you and your family more secure so that our customers can conduct their business without disruption.
Security Consulting
Private Security
office security patrol
Visitor and VIP escort
Daily activities logs
24-hour guards service